Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mid-way thru hump day!

Yes, the day is half over...actually more than half! I just realized it's almost 2pm! Yikes!

So I'm kinda becoming addicted to photographing food. It's fun to share though we'll see what Kevin says when I bust out my camera at a meal sometime! hahaha

Breakfast: Egg whites with green pepper & onions & cheese..all topped with organic ketchup with Thomas' mini bagel with No Sugar Added Jam

AM Snack: Kashi cereal bar & some peanuts

Lunch: Morningstar Vegan Griller with greek yogurt & a ton of watermelon!!!

This looks like SUCH a lame-o lunch but it filled me up! That's why I love watermelon in the summer. It's so filling & yummy! I did get hungry a bit later though & ate the nut portion of my PM snack!

I'll chow the Clif Z-bar shortly to keep me fueled through my evening cardio session!

Dinner is shaping up to be some sauteed veggies (peppers, onions & zucchini) with leftover beans (still nursing the baked beans) & maybe something else. We'll see!

****It's so weird that my home computer puts the pics in "normal" size & this work system makes them so teensy. I will have to start doing my food posts from home moving forward. So weird!****


  1. your breakfast looks like a face- like a monster face or something ;) Thats what I thought when I saw it! Like those ihop happy face pancakes.

  2. Love this!

    I agree, your egg and bagel look like a scary face!

    Watermelon is soooooo delicious!

    And I have no idea why your pictures are so teensy...but if I ever get on the picture bandwagon, I'm sure I'll ask the same question!
